9 research outputs found

    Estratégias & tecnologias digitais para a integração do Autismo

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    The number of people with Autism spectrum disorders is increasing significantly. The purpose of this literature review is to contribute to the integration of autistic people in the educational context with the help of technological means. Educators' views on the education they should provide to students so that autistic people feel accepted by their peers and have equal and inclusive opportunities are listed. People on the Autism spectrum have difficulties in important pillars such as communication, memory, and attention. Strategies are presented for teachers to achieve the inclusion of students and the role of assistive technology, and its benefits are identified for people with Autism with the main benefit being the improvement of communication skills, the improvement of organization activities, memory, and attention.El número de personas con trastornos del espectro autista está aumentando significativamente. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica fue contribuir a la integración de las personas autistas en el contexto educativo con la ayuda de medios tecnológicos. Se enumeran las opiniones de los educadores sobre la educación que deben ofrecer a los alumnos para que las personas autistas se sientan aceptadas por sus compañeros y tengan oportunidades equitativas e inclusivas. Las personas en el espectro del autismo tienen dificultades con pilares importantes como la comunicación, la memoria y la atención. Se presentan estrategias para que los docentes logren la inclusión de los estudiantes y el rol de la tecnología asistiva, y se identifican sus beneficios para las personas con autismo, siendo el principal beneficio la mejora de las habilidades comunicativas, la mejora de las actividades de organización, memoria y atención.O número de pessoas com transtornos do espectro do Autismo está aumentando significativamente. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi contribuir para a integração de pessoas autistas no contexto educacional com o auxílio de meios tecnológicos. São listadas as opiniões dos educadores sobre a educação que devem oferecer aos alunos para que os autistas se sintam aceitos por seus pares e tenham oportunidades iguais e inclusivas. As pessoas no espectro do Autismo apresentam dificuldades em pilares importantes como comunicação, memória e atenção. São apresentadas estratégias para os professores conseguirem a inclusão dos alunos e o papel da tecnologia assistiva, e são identificados seus benefícios para pessoas com autismo sendo o principal benefício, a melhora das habilidades de comunicação, a melhora das atividades de organização, memória e atenção

    Sociabilidade: A chave para o transtorno do processamento sensorial

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    Social communication and sensory processing disorder are two factors that interact with each other and the difficulties they find in them impact on different neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. More specifically, sociability is shown to play a key role in dealing with sensory processing difficulties and the interventions related to it can be implemented in a school setting as well within a therapeutic setting and even at home. The design of these interventions with a focus on sociability aims on the one hand to reduce sensory difficulties and on the other hand to provide meaningful communication when working with children with autism or severe or generalized learning difficulties. This article’s goal is to compile research findings regarding the impact of sociability on children with sensory difficulties through a literature review. Specifically, many interventions with pillars the social communication have been studied to help children with autism and other syndromes The outcomes demonstrated a direct link between sociability and sensory processing disorder with interventions and therapeutic programs implemented in many nations with favorable outcomes in many facets of how children with these issues behave. One of the most effective interventions that helps are Intensive Interaction with high contribution to the sensory regulation of children mainly with autism. Students with neurodevelopmental problems were the samples for the interventions' participants. Application of these programs on a weekly basis, two to three times, is helpful in the right direction.El trastorno de la comunicación social y el procesamiento sensorial son dos factores que interactúan entre sí y las dificultades que encuentran en ellos repercuten en diferentes trastornos del neurodesarrollo como el autismo. Más específicamente, se muestra que la sociabilidad juega un papel clave en el tratamiento de las dificultades de procesamiento sensorial y las intervenciones relacionadas con ella pueden implementarse tanto en un entorno escolar como en un contexto terapéutico e incluso en el hogar. El diseño de estas intervenciones con un enfoque principal en la sociabilidad tiene como objetivo, por un lado, reducir las dificultades sensoriales y, por otro lado, proporcionar una comunicación significativa cuando se trabaja con niños con autismo o dificultades de aprendizaje severas o generalizadas. El propósito de este artículo es registrar datos de investigación sobre el efecto de la sociabilidad en niños con dificultades sensoriales a través de una revisión de la literatura. En concreto, se han estudiado muchas intervenciones con pilares la comunicación social para ayudar a niños con autismo y otros síndromes. Los resultados mostraron que existe una correlación directa entre la sociabilidad y el trastorno del procesamiento sensorial con intervenciones y programas terapéuticos implementados en muchos países con resultados positivos en todos los aspectos del comportamiento de los niños con estas dificultades. Una de las intervenciones más efectivas que ayuda son las Interacciones Intensivas con alto aporte a la regulación sensorial de niños principalmente con autismo. En cuanto a los participantes en las intervenciones, las muestras fueron estudiantes con trastornos del neurodesarrollo estudiados. La frecuencia de aplicación de estos programas 2-3 veces por semana ayuda en la dirección correcta.A comunicação social e o transtorno do processamento sensorial, são dois fatores que interagem entre si e as dificuldades que encontram neles, impactam em diferentes transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento como o autismo. Mais especificamente, a sociabilidade mostra-se como um papel fundamental para lidar com as dificuldades de processamento sensorial e as intervenções relacionadas a ela podem ser implementadas em ambiente escolar, bem como, em contexto terapêutico e até mesmo em casa. O desenho destas intervenções com foco principal na sociabilidade visa por um lado, reduzir as dificuldades sensoriais e, por outro, proporcionar uma comunicação significativa ao trabalhar com crianças com autismo ou dificuldades de aprendizagem graves ou generalizadas. O objetivo deste artigo foi registrar dados de pesquisa sobre o efeito da sociabilidade em crianças com dificuldades sensoriais por meio de uma revisão de literatura. Especificamente, intervenções com pilares na comunicação social, têm sido estudadas para ajudar crianças com autismo e outras síndromes. Os resultados mostraram que existe uma correlação direta entre sociabilidade e transtorno do processamento sensorial com intervenções e programas terapêuticos implementados em vários países com resultados positivos em todos os aspectos do comportamento de crianças com essas dificuldades. Uma das intervenções mais eficazes que auxiliam, são a interação intensiva com alta contribuição para a regulação sensorial em crianças principalmente com autismo. Em relação aos participantes das intervenções, as amostras foram estudantes com transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento estudados. A frequência de aplicação destes programas dois ou três vezes por semana ajuda na direção correta

    AI Tools Like ChatGPT for People with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly integrated into various aspects of everyday life, including the emergence of the AI tool ChatGPT. This study aims to explore the potential benefits of AI tools, such as ChatGPT for individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. Through a comprehensive literature review, this paper examines the impact and efficacy of AI tools in enhancing personalized learning, assessment, and diagnosis. It highlights the potential of machine learning algorithms and AI models, which can gather input from multiple users, to contribute to these areas. However, it is important to note that there is currently no research evidence suggesting that AI tools can replace therapists and healthcare professionals in this context

    Coding with Block Programming Languages in Educational Robotics and Mobiles, Improve Problem Solving, Creativity & Critical Thinking Skills

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    The purpose of the article is to highlight how students' computational thinking, which is a critical thinking skill, can be developed through educational robotics and programming. It is a fun and engaging learning activity that encourages students to collaborate, delve into a problem, construct knowledge, and cultivate critical thinking. Educational robotics is therefore an innovative teaching tool, which contributes to the implementation of the above goal and follows the principles of building, specifically the construction of knowledge (Mikropoulos & Bellou, 2010). It develops students' critical thinking, strengthens their mental models, and activates known learning mechanisms leading them to a deeper level of understanding and assimilation of knowledge, which cannot be accomplished with traditional teaching methodologies. It has also been proven to be able to help students solve complex problems as well as contribute to the development of computational thinking skills (Atmatzidou & Demetriadis, 2014), which should characterize the entire literate population and complement the other three basic reading skills, writing, and mathematics (Mavroudis, Petrou & Fesakis, 2014)

    Digital and Mobile Applications for Autism Inclusion

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    The purpose of this research analysis is to identify the contribution of online applications to the integration of autistic individuals in typical educational contexts. The difficulties faced by both autistic people and teachers are analyzed. These difficulties are calls to improve the technology that has been introduced into the daily life of children and adults with autism. As people are becoming familiar with technology by a very young age, inexpensive applications can be used through devices such as mobiles/tablets. These applications have the power to strengthen areas in which autistic individuals fall behind. The research articles we have studied present data over the last decade, and their results are applicable to a large portion of the autistic population. Data highlighted in current analysis may be useful for improving web applications targeting autistic individuals and their families

    Nutritious Diet, Physical Activity and Mobiles. the Game Changers of ADHD

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    Proper nutrition and physical activity over time are alternative interventions for children with ADHD and are recognized in many European countries. Can be applied as an educational and therapeutic practice both in a school environment and in a therapeutic context adjunct to other forms of therapy. THE planning of these interventions aims, on the one hand, to promote its health by reducing the symptoms of ADHD (hyperactivity, behavioral problems) and on the other hand in the development of social and emotional skills such as socializing, playing, and h self-esteem. The purpose of this paper is to record research data on the implementation of diet and exercise programs in the world through a review of the literature. Specifically, many foods have been studied to help children with ADHD, some others are classified as toxic agents and various approaches to physical activity. The results showed that they do exist dietary interventions and physical activity programs that are applied in many countries with positive results in all aspects of the behavior of children with ADHD. The most common foods that help are those high in omega-3 and zinc and those that pose a risk are those that contain sugar and artificial substances. On the other hand, it was checked that they offer positively to children with ADHD approaches such as aerobic exercise and psychomotor activities. Regarding the participants in the interventions, the samples were students with neurodevelopmental disorders studied. The frequency of its application consumption of the labeled foods must be consumed consistently and daily after examinations such as o control ferritin. An aerobic program with a frequency of twice a week and psychomotor intervention once or twice a week is very helpful. In addition, gadgets are listed in this review for the proper organization and regulation of children to cover the difficulties they have, which is very important

    Assistive TECHNOLOGY and Internet of Things for People with ADHD

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    This article focuses on how people with disabilities can benefit from new technologies and in particular assistive technology and Internet of Things Applications. Assistive Technology is now an integral part of modern education and even more in the field of special education, as it can prove to be a powerful tool to support educational integration. Through smart devices and artificial intelligence, an attempt is made to recognize emotions and the level of arousal, through sensors, restoring it to a normal basis, and giving continuous emotional feedback. This paper refers to parents, caregivers, and people with ADHD and it gives solutions that improve their daily lives with the help of applications created for smart devices